My Personality

So our class took a personality test, when I took the personality test I found out that I was an ISFJ. So what I got on the result I took some of them I expected but some of them I didn’t. For example the ISFJ people are good working with groups but the type of person that doesn’t know what to talk about.

I am introverted I like spending time alone. I am very shy person if I don’t know the person who is talking to me I don’t talk much. I am those kinds of people that who doesn’t just talks to people and when I meeting people I feel a bit awkward because you don’t know what to talk about . I think to myself what i am like a good person a something else. But then I don’t care what people think of me if it’s bad or good.

Finally, I am an ISFJ, one of the things I agree of ISFJ are they are characterized above all by their desire to serve others “need to be needed”. I like helping out people but the one I like helping out is my mom just like helping her take take of my little brother instead of paying for babysitting.

4 thoughts on “My Personality

  1. Hi Jessica
    You are nice and a fun person to be around with.
    We have some things in common like helping others.

  2. Wow, we are very different, I am not as shy when people talk to me. I talk to new people and I am never scared of meeting someone new. One thing I agree and disagree with you about is what others think of me, there are times where I care about what others think of me, but other times when I do not care at all.

  3. Its so unique that each one of us has a different personality. It is great that not all of us are the same. There is bad but then there is good people out in the world. I think you are one of the good people.

  4. I used to be just like you. I was super shy and didn’t talk to other people if I din’t know them. Lately I don’t know what has happend to me. I changed a lot. Now I’m able to have conversations with people I just met. I still have trust issues but I’m still able to talk and get along with new people

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